Welcome to Geeks Love Climbing!
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Climbing for geeks by geeks, because geeks love climbing. Shamelessly stolen from inspired by http://geekslovebowling.com
A few folks have mentioned wanting to get a group together to go rock climbing while at conferences. Pack your climbing shoes and let's do it!
The Conferences
- SXSW2010 (Please feel free to vote for times under The Voting if you are interested in going.)
- ...
The Climbers
- Mark Trammell (founder of Geeks Love Climbing)
- Tantek Çelik (made an offhand joke to Mark, and look what happened.)
- Dan Rubin (climbed a tree when I was 10, and a rope when I was 16)
- Juliette Melton (just found the climbing shoes - w00t!)
- Erica Douglass (I can pack all my climbing gear)
- Michael Lehmkuhl (have pity on me - I come from a flat state)
- Dane Petersen (used to climb twice a week at Smith Rock... used to...)
- Noelle Murata (refuses to be outdone, having missed the Apt Bouldering)
- Colin Surprenant (active in the north east - from Montreal area, Adirondacks to the Gunks)
- Kevin Rose (I own buildering.com, no joke, click the ads)
- Daniel Burka (I'm can climb the routes Kevin talks about climbing)
- Brian Shaler (I fall for Daniel's trash talk and lose bets against Kevin)
- Veronica Belmont (It's been a while, I need peer pressure)
- Laura Fitton (that nut from Twitter [@pistachio] used to, used to...) availability a little up in the air, i'll come when a group is going if i can
- Aubrey Sabala (I'm packing my climbing gear and dental floss. Wholly unrelated, but true.)
- Ryan King (packing climbing gear and dental floss. Totally related.)
- Jake Ingman (my brother climbed el cap twice. I have climbed it zero.)
- Thomas Crenshaw (indoor climber from VA/DC/MD area)
- Ben Cote (climbs stuff)
- Adina Levin (learned at Planet Granite in Belmont)
- tyler hilker (i'm now the noob i always made fun of)
- Stephanie Sullivan (haven't done this in years, but loved it before)
- Lisa Brewster (started climbing at SXSW, ended up being lots easier to try than I thought it would be)
- Elizabeth Leddy (from the window to the wall...)
- Alex Kawas (founding member of NinjaCamp)
- Brynn Evans (total n00b)
- Chris Hutchins (unemployed in SF = lots of time to climb)
- Lynn LaVallee (i hope my chalk is still chalky)
- Laura Gluhanich (Burka? Have you even climbed this year?)
- Natalie Villalobos (I forgot my shoes at home. Platforms work, yes?)
- Chad Catacchio (I own kevinroseownsbuildering.com, joke, no ads to click)
- michael j lambie (casual climber in l.a. j-tree, june lake & bishop trips mostly)
- Micah Saul (my calluses are pretty much completely gone... this'll be painful)
- Rob Goodlatte (damn kids these days...)
- Josh Smith (blablabla non-seqitur-involving-tacos blablabla etc.)
- Robby Grossman (@freerobby)
The Sponsors
Why not? Help sponsor Geeks Love Climbing and we'll put your logo and a link here. Seriously.
The Successful Climbs
Past geeks love climbing sessions:
The Photos
The Videos
The Sponsors
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